Your Relationships Matter

Relationships are critical for mental health, but sometimes mental health can be a big obstacle to maintaining good, positive, long-lasting relationships.

Of course, we all know that having a strong social network can make us happier and more active. But did you know that those with strong, positive relationships (romantic or otherwise) have been shown to live longer, stay more physically healthy, and reduce the change of severe mental health symptoms? The reasons for this can range from the tangible benefit of having a partner remind you to take your pills to the stress-relieving effects of a day out with your friends.

So, how do we find room for positive connections with others when we’re still struggling to connect with ourselves?

There’s still room for support in an unstable life. It’s up to you to look for healthy relationships that build you up, rather than distracting roller coasters that can tear you down.

The number one aspect of a good relationship is that you can be yourself and be open about what you’re going through. As terrifying as it may be to reveal this to a new partner, it will clearly differentiate those that are willing to be there for you and those that would drag you down. If someone doesn’t stay, they weren’t the right one to help you move forward.

This is just as true for relationships that aren’t new. If you find yourself trying to manage a toxic relationship – one that saps your energy, tears you down, or otherwise halts progress; it may be time to take a break from that person.

As the NAMI site recommends, focusing on your strengths and building up your own self-confidence can do amazing things for your social life, your peace of mind, and your romantic life. People are attracted to those with confidence and everyone – everyone! – has an amazing array of experiences, talents, and beauty that can be shared with the world.

Finally, some of the best friendships and romantic relationships are founded on a pre-existing connection. Haven’t reached out to acquaintances in a while? At your own pace, reach out to a  few people you haven’t heard from. Chat, hang out, and expand your network. You never know where an old contact may take you.

So don’t be nervous and get out there! It’s always the season to love yourself, love others, and stay positive.

Happy Valentine’s Day!